info_outline | INFO |
location_on | via Strozzi, 64 - 59013 Montemurlo - PO Italy |
phone | +39 0574 650 737 |
+39 0574 650 743 | | | |
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Facebook Linkedin Instagram YoutubeThe company was born 50 years ago as a family-owned business focusing on the production of fly-comb systems.
An innovation that confirmed the quality and reliability of its product worldwide and has enabled it to maintain this supremacy to this day.
Montenero fly-comb systems are supplied to the textile industry in all countries with prevalence in Europe and North America.
Capitalising on a long experience in maintenance service, we developed a few prototypes. It was 2012 when Officina Meccanica Montenero acquired the brand, production and facilities of M.G.M. Mattress Machines based in Finale Emilia. This was a company with more than 50 years of presence in the bedding industry.
Since then, the company grew and in August 2016 it was decided to move to a new, bigger facility more appropriate for our needs.