Needle Board Maintenance Machines

Officina Meccanica Montenero specialised in needle table maintenance, with automated systems designed to create a fast and efficient workflow.

It speeds up and optimises needle analysis and replacement operations.

We provide a needle table maintenance service using special equipment of our production. Send us the plates to be analysed.

montenero - VSC1000

The inspection and replacement can be carried out on all types of plates commonly used, depending on the operator's needs and the specificity of the plates themselves.

The machine with which we carry out the service is called the VSC1000, a project born 30 years ago and still current today, which has always worked every day without stopping.

To date, we estimate that we have replaced more than 200 million needles.

Find out more about the VSC1000

We manufacture, sell and install the innovative N2-PO automatic needle replacement machine.

Montenero - N2-PO

It is equipped with cutting-edge technology for high-precision machining without the risk of plate wear deterioration. It also facilitates the correct orientation of the needles during insertion.

All our devices are the result of experience and constant dialogue with customers, to understand their needs and create innovative solutions.

Find out more about N2-PO